How to use email function

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  • #55517
    Do you have any documentation or videos about using the email function to send emails to users when they signup for a course? I'd like to see the different functions I can use to send users emails after they signup for a free trial, i'd like to send an email with a link to signup for the full course. Also, are there any add-ons or options to link this email function to my email provider (aweber)? Is there any way to sync these two functions so I'm not sending two emails to the same person?    
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) There is a touch point for this, please go to wp-admin->lms->settings->touch points->course subscribed, and set it accordingly. Now whenever a user is subscribed to the course an email will be sent to student and instructor (depending on your setting in touch point). 2) There is no in built functionality to first singup for a free trail and then for a full course, please let us know how are you doing this ? 3) This is not available as of now but we are developing an addon for this purpose, refer:
    1) I see the touch points option but there's nothing that instructs you on where/how to write an email for each touch point. For example, the email for user starts a course and course certificate are different, how to I edit the email for each of these? There's also no instructions on how to set different emails for different courses, each course has different instructions and would require a different email. Is there any instructions on that?   2) Sorry should have explained this better, I have two courses. One is free and just contains the first chapter (this is my free trial) the other is the full 10 chapter course. So essentially I just want to set an email when the user signs up for the free trial course so that I send them a "thanks for signing up" email with instructions to signup for the full course once they finish the free course   3) any estimation on when this feature will be available?   Thanks!
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Well setting to edit the content of the start ,continue and other course emails  specific to course is not available as of now in wplms .But you can translate them using this tip : These strings are present in the vibe course module plugin . Note please do not remove the %s and %d from the strings while translating them . 2. Sorry this is also not available as of now in wplms . But we have a mailing lists plugin under development .Which will allow you to bulk email the users of a particular course . 3. This is included in the Mailing lists plugin .We are looking to develop this until next month .
    Hi I just wanted to checkin on this, will any of this functionality be available in the near future?   thanks!
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) For emails there are many touch points available in the wplms theme, to enable touch points go to wp-admin->lms->settings->touch points, and enable the touch points that you need. Also refer this tutorial: 2) For specifically mail chimp we are developing the mailchimp addon plugin for wplms, refer: This plugin is not released yet but it will be released very soon. 3) For other like "aweber" its not ready yet and it will also be available in the future updates.
    So how do I edit the {{message}} of the email template? I'm trying to edit {{message}} of the course badge, so when a users receives the course badge I can send them a custom notification congratulating them on the course badge. See attached image for what i'm talking about
    H.K. Latiyan
    You can translate the message, please refer this tip for translation: Now translate the message.
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