Integration With Membership/Subscription Plugins

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  • #87321
    Hi, I look forward to WC Membership integration too. Since WC Subscriptions 2.x, PMPro Woocommerce integration doesn't work anymore! When a user buys a membership product, the membership is not activated so I have to do it manually. And when the subcription expires, my users still have access so I have to manually remove their membership :-/ Me and other PMPro users have reported this on the PMPro WC plugin and github page (btw, if you can send a note to them maybe it will have more impact). Also, PMPro has a crazy footprint on page load time (tested with P3), and reported by someone else on this forum. WC Membership would definitely be a more professional solution to me and like fuadmurad said in this post, for many other WPLMS users. Is there an easy way to do a little fundraising among WPLMS users that need this integration, so you can tell us how much you need for this job and we can contribute? I'll be glad to pay for this. Cheers!
    Hi, are there any updates on this topic? My support period is going to expire soon and I would like to know if I should think about hiring someone to do this for me. Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    @fuadmurad: You can hire someone else for this because it will take time. Right now we are mainly focused on wplms app feature, so this feature will take time.
    Ok, I would have appreciated that answer given to me a long time ago instead of waiting and putting my work on hold though. Thank you in any case.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, Can you recommend someone that knows well WPLMS and that can do custom work with Woocommerce? If you know someone, that would be great (I would like to avoid paying extra time for the person to figure out how WPLMS works).. Thank you! @ fuadmurad, I am requesting quotes here and there for this job, maybe if you do the same we can keep in touch by email ([email protected]) and see if we can share the quotes, then eventually the fees? To be continued :-)
    H.K. Latiyan
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