Modern theme various browsers Issues

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  • #5995
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Set a default cover image from wp-admin wplms -> header . 2. Already replied to the issue on another topic .Please try adding the iframevideo shortcode form the back end unit edit page in text mode of wp-editor  . 3. Please try switching the templates of the pages to "default template" and "No title" . The default template will show the page title with the background and the No title will not show any page title . 4. Unable to replicate the location and level page issue .Please try resaving the permalinks to postname for this  . 5. Please refer : Make sure that the default image is set . 6. YEs the group cover image is not saving , this is an issue and will be fixed with te next update of the bp cover profile plugin update  .
    Hi Alex, I set feature image in 'All courses' page but it doesn't work. Also i set "blog" as a posts page update Permalinks and it doesn't appear. Please give me some advice. Thanks, George
    a. We released an update to the WPLMS Modern theme. Please download the theme from here : and replace the existing theme via FTP. b. Feature image in all courses/members/activity/groups page does not work as of now. However this is a good suggest and we can add it on next update of modern theme.   c. Please do not set blog as WordPress posts page, keep the wordpress posts page blank to avoid any issues with the blog page.
    Hi Alex, Good to know that you've updated the modern theme. I've already installed it just now and unfortunately some issues still remain. It's more about All Course and All group pages. They still doesn't have cover photo on top. Sending screenshots. Also you can view the these bugs here: ; I hope we can find the issue and fix it. Thanks, George
    I noticed that When 'All course' page is loaded the title on the browsers' tab is always the first created course name - like 'Test course'. May be somehow it's connected with the issue. see attachment please.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try the updated modern theme it is available here . Modern Theme update version 1.1 : link We have done many fixes in this update . Also please update the all the plugins to latest version and check the issues again after clearing your browser cache  .
    Dear Alex, I just Re-Updated wplms_modern to latest version 1.1, Update all the plugins i use to latest one, clean browser history at all and unfortunately these issues still remain. I'm really sorry but there is something hindering 'All course' page to display correctly. I'm still searching for the bug and can you also continue? Thanks, George
    By the way this issue occurs only in Safari browser !!
    Anshuman Sahu
    We just have uploaded the version 1.1 of the modern theme again with the fix of the all-course page header issue  . For the title issue please try installing the Yoast seo plugin .
    Hi Alex, Thank you for your all effort !! Is the update located in the same directory here: ?? and one more thing: I do not have any issues with title... and i have already installed Yoast SEO plugin. What did you mean? Thanks, George
    Alex, no worries, i re-installed the modern theme and 'All courses' cover image issue is not exist any more!! so, congrats and thanks a lot. Now i discovered another issue :)) When i search with search engine located at the top in the header it searches results, types that there is found "4" or "7" or some more else and doesn't shows them! Instead of displaying real results it shows my posts on my blog page every time. see attachment. Can you recommend something?? Thanks a lot again! George
    and one more bug, please see attachment
    Found one more issue: 'Related course style' dropdown in wplms-course manager doesn't changes course styles at all.
    On more bug in buddypress user's settings > Capabilities - displays wrong way without cover image. see screenshot please!
    1. and could you please tell me how does call horizontal search engine (screenshot below) and where is located? I'd like to put it in my home page layerslider cover .. 2. And one more question: can i use full wide video background in the layerslider instead of image slider? I know that i can embed video (Youtube, vimeo, htmp and self hosted) in Layerslider, but it displays with player and it's not fullwide background video.. (I have read layerslider documentation but did not find anything helpful there) Can you suggest something how to do that? Thanks, George
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