New customized user roles

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  • #363110
    Anshuman Sahu
    1 . Well in wplms front end co author can edit the course right now . We have added the provision for this , can share code after update to remove the edit course option from co author in front end . 2 . the capability you need to uncheck for this user role would be "manage_users" and "manage_options" .
    I want to check to see if I communicated my demand correctly 1. Hi, I want the co-author to edit the course, however, only 1 main author is displayed on the course profile, other co-authors can edit the course (including add or remove users from the courses) but their profile photos are not shown. So your code will help me this right ? 2. I mean I want the new user roles can only manage users in wp-admin (to add and edit users in batch) however, cannot access any other features like LMS, VibeBP, Pages. So should I check or uncheck "manage_users" and "manage_options" ? What does "manage_options" can do ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    1 . yes we can hide second instructor . 2 . yes this is possible with user role editor , you can see the groups capabilities in it . you can uncheck all except the group capabilities for the user role .
    1. please teach me how 2. Thank you I will try
    Anshuman Sahu
    1 . please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :
        $init = WPLMS_Coauthors_Plus::init();
    "2 . the capability you need to uncheck for this user role would be “manage_users” and “manage_options” ." please tell me what does "manage options" do ?
    Sorry, it is still confusing to me. I would like to clarify my questions so now I need 1. User manager: who can - create and edit info of user -> capabilities: create user, edit user, list user, read, upload files, list roles - add user to any course -> what capabilities do he need ? - add user to any batch -> what capabilities do he need ? - create batch -> what capabilities do he need ? 2. Course manager: who can - edit any course WITHOUT deleting course -> what capabilities do he need ? Thank you
    Anshuman Sahu
    1 . -- manage_users -- edit_posts -- well for this he should be the group admin of that batch otherwise he will need manage_opitons capability which you do not want to give as the user will see all the settings in wp backend then . -- create batch : no capability needed users can create groups from front end . 2 . 'manage_options' but with this again he can change site settings and can delete the course as well from backend . there is no other option other than adding the user as co author of that course and we can hide him as co author using this tip :
    Hi, About 1. Course Manager I found there are 2 'author' and 'authors' fields, what's the difference ? The only course that appears in front end are those have the user added in 'authors' , this is the front end and course that have the user added to 'author' doesn't show up in front end About 2. User Manager: This is the capability for the role Then I add the user as co-author of a course When I see it in front end, the course shows up but there's no add student button Is there anything missing ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    what you are asking for to manage students capability instructor is not available right now unless you add the user as coauthor of that course . Well we can show that user the add user button can we please have the user role or some unique capability of that user ?
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well I checked from one of the users and found our that they were able to edit the course . Do you wish they should not see the edit course tab in course manage ?
    Hi, it's quite confusing, I still don't know how it works For example the Internal Course Manager account, it can edits some course why can't edit on others. For example the course "Đào tạo nhập môn" can't be edited using this account although Internal Course Manager is already in the list of author. What else should I do ? What conditions for an account to be able to edit a course ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please check if your Course Manager user is added as author to this course :Đào tạo nhập môn: ?
    Yes, here
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