Review form not showing

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  • #47382
    I have trouble activating the review form. It was working a while back but suddenly its stopped working. I have tried to figure out the problem but havent been able to fix it. Link:
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please check the comments on the course page, edit the course in backend and check if the comments are enabled or not. The comments should be enabled to show the review on the course.
    Hi, the comment review is checked on all courses. If you want to take a look, please log in with this admin user: Username: WPLMS PW: WPsupport123!"# Link:
    Anshuman Sahu
    Seems like this is related to your custom course permalink .When i set the course permalink settings to default it starts to work but on custom course permalink it does not works . Also i found that your wplms theme and all its plugins are outdated .Please update wplms theme and all its plugins to latest . PLease refer : To find your buyer api key please refer : Please make sure that you update all the plugins first alltogether from wordpress updates screen and then the wplms theme . Since 2.0 is major update i would like to test the update first by creating a staging (replica of your site on subdoamin) . refer for staging  concept :
    Thank you for your reply! Updating the theme and pugins is ok. But is it possible to fix the permalink issue? It would be really nice to use a custom permalink istead of "course" to increase SEO in norwegian.
    H.K. Latiyan
    In the latest version of wplms custom permalinks works fine, so after updating all the plugins and the wplms theme, you can use the custom course permalinks.
    Hi, thank you for your feedback. I have now updates the theme to the latest version and updated all pugins, but the review form is still not working with custom permalinks. Could you please take a look?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try enabling the " revert pretty permalinks" option from wp-admin ->lms -> settings .
    That did not work unfortunately..
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay i checked your site and found that you have created the a page with same slug as your courses (nettkurs) and this page is the course directory which creates conflicts in permalink and  that is why the review for was not appearing . i just changed the slug of your course directory  to "all  nettkurs "so that it will not same as your custom course slug(nettkurs) and it fixed the issue . Note that please never create pages with slug which may conflict with the custom post types .
    Ah, perfect! Thank you so much :)
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for confirming, so marking the topic as resolved and closing the topic.
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