take this course contact form popup

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  • #124622
    Hi how can I create a contact form popup after clicking the "take this course" button instead of the login/register popup window??
    Anshuman Sahu
    To disable login register popup please disable "Open Login popup for non logged in users when they click on take this course button" from wp-admin -> lms -> settings -> general . you can use vibe popups for this . http://vibethemes.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/1000188546-creating-buy-course-popup-on-single-course-page instead of course button shortcode  you can add contact form in popup comtent . and we can change the script to target it on the take this course button .
    Hi Please let me know what I did wrong because it's not work for me. I open wp-admin-->popups-->new post I add the contact form 7 shortcode to pop-up post and save. Then I copy the following code to wp-content/plugins/Wplms-customizer/wplms-cutomizer.php if (!function_exists('vibe_course_button')) { function vibe_course_button( $atts, $content = null ) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'id' => '' ), $atts)); if(!is_numeric($id)) return; ob_start(); the_course_button($id); $html = ob_get_clean(); return $html; } add_shortcode('course_button', 'vibe_course_button'); } The I add the following shortcode the my course page [popup id="657" auto="1" classes="default"][/pop-up] 657 is the popup id in my case. After that I Add this js script in your Wp-admin -> Wplms -> Footer -> Google Analytics Code <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('.course_lesson').on('click',function(){ $('.ajax-popup-link').trigger('click'); }); }); </script> What's happen is that the popup shows in the begging of oppening the course page even if I don't clock on take this course button, how can I fix that to make this popup only on clicking take this course button?
    Sorry for the big message it's not what I write. What I tried to say is that it's work but the popup shows in the begging of oppening the course page even if I didn't click on take this course button. How can I fix that only popup after clicking on take this course?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi, It works on desktop but not in mobile, on mobile it's still popup on the begging of the page. It's also nut work for logged in users, how can I fix that?
    <b>One more thing</b> After I fill the form in the popup window it's not getting successful sent message on the popup , it's open new window with the same form on full screen.   How can I fix it?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well I forgot that our form shortcode does not works in ajax loaded popup . Please follow this method now . We wont be able to show popup but we can redirect user to page which have this contact form . 1. create page and add your contact form in it . 2. enable "external course button link " from wp-admin -> lms -> settings . refer : http://prntscr.com/ga28ri 3. then add this page link in course pricing settings : http://prntscr.com/ga296j
    There is no way to fix that option in popup? This is much more great user experience. The solution of another page for contact form is OK but not great as popup. You can find a way to make it work or maybe to fix it in the next update?
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, Yes you are correct the more user friendly scenario is to show it in popup, but right now the form won't work in ajax loaded popup and hence we cannot show it. I am marking this as a bug and we'll try fixing this issue in the next update.
    thank you How can I know you fix this bug,you can update me ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well fix for this will be available in the next update of wplms . please be patient .
    Thank you. You have great theme and great support. I am very satisfied
    Anshuman Sahu
    thanks ...
    Hi again. I see that there is a new update of wplms theme. On this topic I had a problem of using popup as a contact form when I click "take this course" button. Is this problem fixed on this update as you said?
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