Translation problem after WP and WPLMS update

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  • #96953
    Andrey Sobkalov
    Hi, I tried Bazooco method for solving similar problems with the translation, but it does not work. I also have a WP 4.7.2. After I did that Bazooco offers, in place of solutions of the translation problem, it has only gotten worse. What was already translated into Russian language is now English. I deleted those files and returned to the previous state. Now I am primarily interested in how to transfer the following buttons: 1) • RETAKE QUIZ 2) • CHECK QUIZ RESILTS And the following inscription: 1) Are you sure you want to submit the quiz. Submitting the quiz will freeze all your answers, you can not change them. Please Confirming 2) UNLIMITED ACCESS - on the course page. 3) Course Reviews - on the course page. I use the plugin Loco Translate 2.0.11 Thank you in advance for your help!
    Andrey I solved my problem by downloading this file  and placing it here wp-content/languages/plugins This video is old, not working here as well loco plug in T Try to find a buddypress translation and put the buddypress-xx_XX.po/mo in the wp-content/languages/plugins
    Andrey, Russian translation
    Andrey Sobkalov
    Brazooco, thank you for your participation! However, this also did not help me. 1. I copied here - 2 file, .po and .mo 2. Put it in the folder wp-content/languages/plugins Check the result, and nothing has changed. These files differ by their names from those that were already in that folder. I renamed the old files "buddypress-ru_RU" and renamed the new files as old was. But it also does not change anything.
    @Andrey Provide me your wp-admin credentials. I will fix your issues. PS:  Mark your reply as private.  
    Andrey Sobkalov
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Andrey Sobkalov
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    Go to wp-admin->loco translator->plugins->vibe course module->choose your language->find those string->add the intended translation and click on save. Go to wp-admin->loco translator->themes->WPLMS->choose your language->find those string->add the intended translation and click on save.  
    Andrey Sobkalov
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Go to wp-admin->loco translator->themes->WPLMS->choose your language->click on sync->find those string->add the intended translation and click on save. Unlimited access, check quiz results, Course review, stars, ratings are coming from the theme itself. Drive is coming from buddydrive. Events is coming from event on plugin.  
    Andrey Sobkalov
    Skywalker, please hear me. I've already put in the strings correct translation of all the words - "unlimited access, check quiz results, Course review, stars, ratings" - wp-admin->loco translator->themes->WPLMS->choose your language->click on sync->find those string->add the intended translation and click on save. I wrote about this in a previous post, and in the illustration number 5 shows one example, the fact that the translation is entered (and saved) but it is not reflected on the corresponding page.
    Provide me your site url and wp-admin credentials of your site. I will look into your issue. PS: Please Mark your reply as private.
    Andrey Sobkalov
    This reply has been marked as private.
    I see that your site is outdated. Please update your theme to the latest version ie WPLMS 2.6.1.
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