Unit Expired Time

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  • #265869
    1. i need setting for unit expired to each user and also scheduling the unit start time settings so please help to fix this issues

    2. i need quiz scheduling time start and end date and time so how to set

    3. if any users order the course the instructor can not get order details email so how to fix this

    4. i am suing amazon ses so still getting plain text  email so can  you help me to fix this

    Hello, 1-You can set unit expired time go to unit>>edit unit and set from here: Refer: https://prnt.sc/sudbo5 2- Same as you can set fro quiz>>edit quiz Refer: https://prnt.sc/sudc36 3- You can get this by touch points available in wplms go to lms>>Setting>>touch points and enable touch point from here Refer: https://prnt.sc/sude25 Thanks,
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    Anshuman Sahu
    1 .Well yes this is not the option .The end timing is not available with this only the start timing is available . unfortunately we do not have this settings as of now in wplms . 2 . Well yes for the quizzes unit start date time does not work .This is also not available as of now . 3 . Instructor does not get the order details its the admin who can check the order . In wplms after succesful payment order should be marked completed automatically in woocommerce and course access is released .To do that please use : https://wordpress.org/plugins/autocomplete-woocommerce-orders/ however there is touch point on course subscribe that instructor will get after user is enrolled .   4  . :please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :     add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'set_html_content_type' ,99999); function set_html_content_type() { return 'text/html'; }
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi we never get any smtp error .Can you please share what error you are facing ? Try to turn off wp_debug and also contact about those errors with your webhost .
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Well this error is coming from server smtp debugging server Can you please contact your webhost to turn it off ? Or it maybe coming from third party plugin for smtp .Try deactivating it .      
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Well I checked that you have activated that plugin but did not setup so the emails are working fine now in your website without it actually . You can deactivate the postman smtp plugin in your site and check if this error appears . The error is not at all coming from theme or any of its plugins. Also did you contact webhost for this debugging error ?
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Well then you can use this plugin to do the same : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-mail-smtp-gmail-smtp/
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    Anshuman Sahu
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