WPLMS Batches

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  • #216447
    Hi, I would like to create two options for learners when/or after they logged in. I have an application form in place and also batches (not really using it). I would like to paths/lanes for learners when logging in or thereafter:
    1. Company sponsored learners:
    These are learners where their company paid their learning fees and they can complete the application form with company details/email and I will then approve the training. I would like to allocate specific courses to them with me as the Instructor,.ie. Labourman Consultants (the company).
    1. Own paying learners or companies:
    These are individual learners that are not sponsored by the company (normally a single user) and who needs to pay before enrolling. I know I can use the payment gateway for this - question is does it cater for South Africa Rand or must I use the Paypal option for this? If a new company would like to join and book a certain number of seats, how can I deal with this? Is this the purpose of members or must I rather invoice them? Thanks for the help. Philip
    Scott Lang
    Hi, If you want to use our buy batch feature refer this tutorial : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-buy-batch-feature/ For payment you can use woo-commerce payment gateways.  
    Thank you, Scott, 1. Will I then be able to do this exactly this from the Landing Page?  http://prntscr.com/o9sujw 2. One more thing, can the option 2   http://prntscr.com/o9sujw  also include new companies which wish to join or must that be done at option 1 (Corporate Learner). Thanks, Scott Regards Philip  
    Scott Lang
    1 . well wplms has course directories , its already offering courses . for allowing a corporate company to buy the courses for their employees you can use the wplms batches plugin's buy batch feature . You can put buy batch page link for corporate and can put course directory link for learners . 2 . well the course is user oriented , if you wanna allow a coporate to buy the course for his students then you could do this by creating a batch .
    Many thanks Scott
    Scott Lang
    Thanks for your response we are closing this topic..
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