WPLMS Elementor

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  • #158754
    Hi Alex, I used this method: $course_hours = get_post_meta($course_id,'vibe_duration',true); Works perfectly. Now, other issue. It's possible to block access to a class through course curriculum? I want my student only access through button continue course (url: course-status).  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well access to units is already blocked for student in wplms .Only instrcutors and admins can access the units from curriculum .
    Hi Alex! Interesting. I was viewing with my admin account. Viewing through student is not possible to access like I was saying. Cool! Now other issue. It's possible to have units without sections? I just want to have units.
    Anshuman Sahu
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Hi Alex, I used other code to take the fixed hours. The time duration is variable correct? I have 2 issues now. I want to sell free courses and the certificate payed. The user access my site, access the course and answer the test for free. After this I want to sell the certificate. How I can do this?  
    Hi Alex, How I can set a default certificate? Some settings with jquery are possible to set like this:
    • jQuery("#vibe_course_prev_unit_quiz_lock option").removeAttr("selected");
    • jQuery("#vibe_course_prev_unit_quiz_lock option + option").attr("selected", "selected");
    But certificate has other create method.
    Hi Alex, Do you have an answer to this question?  
    I want to sell free courses and the certificate payed. The user access my site, access the course and answer the test for free. After this I want to sell the certificate.
    Hi Alex, I solved those issues.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi, Do you further want any help or can i close this topic ?
    Hi Ray. I need some help. How I can translate my child theme? I know I can override files header.php, putting header.php inside my theme. But I read my pt_BR.po file and it's all translated. Why my theme is not seeing my .mo parent file or child file? I put this in my functions.php function my_child_theme_locale() { load_child_theme_textdomain( 'wplmsblankchildhtheme', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_child_theme_locale' ); And this in my wp-config.php define ('WPLANG', 'pt_BR');   The register page, popup login and other parts of the site are not beeing translated but my Admin works well.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please follow this link : https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/child-themes    Please create a separate topic for new issues.
    Hi Alex, Like said in the docs:
    It's perfectly fine for child themes to use strings that exist the parent theme, but any additional strings must be in the child theme's own text domain.
    I'm not adding new strings. I just want the parent theme to be translated. I verify the .po file and exist the text below:
    # @ vibe #: includes/widgets/custom_bp_widgets.php:40 #: templates/login/bigdrop_login.php:13 templates/login/default_login.php:13 #: templates/login/full_login.php:13 templates/login/modern.php:13 #: templates/login/pop_login.php:13 msgid "LOGOUT" msgstr "SAIR"
    But in my website still appears the text "LOGOUT". This list below is what I tried and my view. 1 - I verified and my theme is setted to be pt_BR 2 - My file .po file contains the translated strings "wplms/languages/vibe-pt_br.po" 3 - I tried to regenerate the .mo file "wplms/languages/vibe-pt_br.mo" without success. 4 - I don't know why, but seems that I can only translate my site through the file inside a plugin called vibe-course-module, through the file "plugins/vibe-course-module"/languages/vibe-pt_br.po. But this way is not the proper way. I don't know why the wplms theme is ignoring his language folder and using the plugin folder, all the theme strings are translated inside his .po file inside theme folder. How can you help me or explain this to me? Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Try changing the text manually by editing file and check exactly where this logout text coming from .  

    Please create a separate topic for new issues. Create a topic in translation forums . 

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