It is fixed. Created a new one. Deleted old one.
So many places to check things.... yeah I missed that. I'll verify that it works.
Thanks Diana.
IDK about those credentials because they are working. Maybe mistyped?
There are TWO different places to set the notifications as turned on for course submissions and apparently a third touchpoint area....
I do not get any notifications when an instructor submits a course for approval. When it is pending. Also when an instructor makes new assignments and quizzes they also do not save content until after they are approved -- even if you click the load instructor edits.
I have notifications turned on in WPLMS and in the Buddypress areas.
Instructors are required to submit courses for approval.
I am using 4.097
I have no video bc it wouldn’t show anything….
Ended up just building a new one. Wasted so much time trying to figure out what the hell went wrong with previous...
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Yes, the front end login is not working correctly. I log in and it shows me as logging in and then will not give me access to profile or dashboard or courses. Just redirects to homepage even if you click the profile or dashboard button.
I posted a video showing exactly this. Here is a link to it again.
Thanks Mr.Vibe! This worked. I missed the class menu setting the first time around. Thank you thank you.
This did not work. Added a custom link to the menu. Then updated bb menu and it produced a link like this:[actualusername]/?reload_nav=1#component=custom__custom__8216
Thanks for addressing badges Alex!
Any ideas on the other?
I have already supplied credentials to you in previous email. You have permissions.
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Alex, Did you see my previous post? I need someone to address badges cropping and the other issues listed.
I understand how it works. Did you watch the video I posted??? I do have login redirect. So what I'm saying is that it's NOT working correctly.