
Features :

  1. User Guided Tours / Walk throughs for WPLMS Students, Instructors and Administrators, tutorial
  2. Added option to create course news from Front End, tutorial
  3. Added a new shortcode
    , which shows a timer countdown, tutorial
  4. Share certificates on social media, screenshot
  5. Added a custom attachment system for units, tutorial
  6. Added google captcha option in the buddypress registration page, screenshot
  7. A switch added in lms settings to enable course duration when user clicks on start course button, screenshot
  8. A switch added in lms settings to open Login popup for non logged in users when they click on take this course button for paid courses also, screenshot
  9. A setting added in wplms->course manager to disable right click on course status page, screenshot
  10. Added a new shortcode , which allows users to show content to instructors only. You can also specify the instructors by passing the id in the shortcode.
  11. Added a new shortcode 2024/12/22 to show current date, format of the date can be specified by the user.

Updated  :

  1. Inactivity email sent day, week and month wise, refer the tutorial for more details.
  2. Improvements in certificates, refer tutorial
  3. Back to course button added in DWQA question page.
  4. Deprecated function get_product() replaced by wc_get_product();
  5. Deprecated filter “add_to_card_redirect” replaced by “woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect”.
  6. The default order in course directory selected in lms settings is also shown selected on course directory page.
  7. The attachments are now shown above the discussion section in unit page.
  8. Improvements in front end course creation.
  9. Show featured course image empty if the image doesn’t exists.
  10. Enabled members searching and sorting in course members, screenshot
  11. Sample data of demo7 and demo 8 added.
  12. Assign marks to quiz even if the question answers are not marked.

Fixed :

  1. Text “some answer” not translating bug fixed.
  2. Co-authors not working in multi-site bug fixed.
  3. Buddydrive not working in multi-site bug fixed.
  4. Drip feed bug with time calculation in case of drip feed from origin use case fixed.
  5. Import not working properly and creating duplicate courses bug fixed.
  6. User bulk badges and certificates not importing bug fixed.
  7. Download attachment button visible in assignment submissions for text type also, bug fixed.
  8. Browser popup on registration page due to form submission removed.
  9. Browser autofill registration form bug fixed.
  10. “bp_before_member_settings_template” action missing in profile settings bug fixed.
  11. Insert into post button hidden in front end media popup bug fixed.
  12. Styling issues in media popup front end fixed.
  13. Insert shortcode and styling not working in front end course creation bug fixed.
  14. Warning on automatic login while registration with woocommerce 3.0 version fixed.
  15. Contact form email not working in Hebrew language bug fixed.
  16. In inativity emails user’s reply are received by all users, bug fixed.
  17. In front end course creator, save and close buttons not working if edit button is clicked twice, bug fixed.
  18. In front end course creator save quiz button disabled if edit button is clicked multiple times, bug fixed.
  19. Student name not shown in activity when user finishes a unit bug fixed.
  20. Login popup for free courses not opening in modern theme bug fixed.
  21. Login redirect on same page with ajax login not working bug fixed.
  22. Manually evaluated quiz results shows 0 marks if not evaluated bug fixed.
  23. Logged in menu styling issues fixed in WPML.


Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS EventOn WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 77 71 95 99 100 100 100 100
pl_PL 4 1
nl_NL 58 30
it_IT 72 67 33 100 99
fr_FR 91 81 47 66 90 82 100 71
es_ES 74 40 56 76 63 84 100 72
el_GR 56 29 60 35
de_DE 58 30 40 60 76 37
ar 48 28 37 56 78 69
zh_CN 74 66 71 66 68 83 100 89
tr_TR 35 26 2 2 6 1
sv_SE 68 38 44 66 68 79 100 70
fa_IR 90 75 81 79 77 99 100 92
sr_RS 64 23
ru_RU 63 39 46 66 61 73 100 70
nb_NO 65
sk_SK 4 41 60 70 90
 zh_TW 74

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