Continuing and maintaining the “office” structure remotely is a challenging task for many organizations.
Today, most organizations worldwide are operating on a work-from-home basis for the foreseeable future.
In this scenario, the learning and training of the employees across the organization remain unprepared for how to cope with the change and stay productive.
In this article, we will learn the five ways to keep the employees motivated for learning and stay updated with the training activities.
How To Keep Your Employees Motivated
Keeping employees motivated while working from home is a very difficult task. But the core tenets remain the same: ensuring that everyone is equipped with the right tools, support, and reward systems to perform optimally and feel good about it. That’s why proper training and learning of the employees is very important to cope with the challenges. Here is a quick guide on how to keep your teams motivated for organizational training.
Provide Visual Insight Into Learning Goals
An essential part of employee motivation involves clear visibility. If you bind your training with a clear learning objective then employees will surely adopt it as their learning goal. Having a clear visual insight helps employees in determining what they are expected to do and how their work stands from the training. Use LMS tools to track their performance and progress on each visually. This way you can keep your employees motivated for proper training.
Enable Teamwork And Collaboration
In today’s remote work scenario, teamwork and collaboration play an important part in engaging and connecting employees from one another. Promising a change in organizational culture, incorporating teamwork and group projects in the training activities to motivate and engage the employees in the training activities. However, not everyone may be equally comfortable with teamwork and group projects but it will build a sense of collaborative learning among them.
Build Community For Informal Communication
A big part of the office-going employees is the informal talk that happens during work breaks and over lunch. In work from home scenarios, building a community over the social sites may help employees in continuing the conversations. Community allows employees to share their experiences, fun, and other informal discussions to recreate some of the fun. Encourage employees to participate in community discussions as well as share their experiences and feedback.
Scenario-Based Training
Scenario-based training is the most used training method these days for the employees. In this type of training, employees are well-versed with the negative and positive aspects of training. They can easily learn the real implementation of the training activities. Scenario-based learning helps in providing the necessary details that deliver the exact amount of information that can be easily understood by them.
Recognize And Reward Your Employees
Good work is always rewarded. If your employees complete the training before the scheduled time then you can reward them through various badges. Create a leaderboard where employees are ranked on the basis of their performance. It helps them in getting noticed, appreciated, and rewarded as top performers in the organization. This motivates other employees to learn more and complete the training.
The present state of training employees across the globe is looking up the different methods so that they engage and motivate employees while working from home. Hopefully, the above-mentioned techniques can help you in motivating the employees and achieving this goal successfully.