WPLMS Mobile Application

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  • #19255
    Hello, i know how to create a mobile app using ionic and consuming wp-api. but i have no idea how to transform my wplms site into a mobile app. i will really appreciate it if you guyz can give me some tips/pointers on how i can consume wplms  api's  in ionic.   thank you.
    We have not explored into this area as of now. The work on WPLMS REST API starts after the 2.0 update. If you have any specific question, would can address them.   ps. : You'll also need to use the BuddyPress REST API.
    I am interested in this as well. Are there any ways we can make this work under the current version of WPLMS?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well there is no support or code in wplms theme as of now . We will be beginning to put support for apis in the future updates of wplms after wplms version  2.1 . Will be moving a lot of modules like quizzes and assignments to the activity tables of  buddypress . Right now you can build api's using the Buddypress pi and Wordpress REST api for wplms .
    Hey guys, create a Mobile App is very important for us all. Would be possible to just create a function that connect WPLMS to Android and IOS? Would be possible to find it at Play Store and Apple Store? The idea is have the current WPLMS mobile function to be an App. Many thanks and good vibes! :)
    Anshuman Sahu
    This is already in our planned features . We are planning to complete this upto 3.0 version of theme .
    That is great Alex. When this WPLMS App feature is done it will be automatically an App or do we need to find a developer to build one for us? :)
    H.K. Latiyan
    No you don't need to hire any developer after we release the app feature, once the feature is released we will make a tutorial on how to use this and it will be simple and you don't need to hire a developer for this.
    Hi Alex, Latiyan and Mr Vibe, Have you got any timeframe to release this App feature? We already have inquires from teachers who are working with us. Good vibes
    That would be really great if you realese the feature to make an mobile app using WPLMS. I wait for it with impatience :)  
    Hi Guys, 1. when the App is ready would be possible for the students download audios exercises and keep them locked inside the App? (Not searchable within Android and IOS?) Like the guided meditations from Headspace? 2. Would the downloaded audio exercise be linked and playable from its respective unit within the course? Good vibes :)
    Hi everyone, While waiting for the update have any suggestions whta plugin to use to transform a WPLMS into an app for Android or iOS?
    Hi, Do you have any notice about this? It is the great advantage. Thanks.    
    H.K. Latiyan
    The API and the mobile app feature will be released after 2.4 update. Most probably January next year (i.e. 2017).
    Awesome! Please include me in this list!
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