Groundogg CRM integration

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  • #245567
    I thought 10th March was the time you were looking at for wplms 4. I am assuming there is some delay on that, would you be able to tell me by when are you expecting the wplms 4?
    maybe this month or the first week of April. but it's not fixed because we have to check test cases. i will talk about this to Mr.Vibe.
    Were you able to talk to Mr. Vibe regarding this?
    Any updates on this???
    hi @ICHARS, as you know it well that we all are all lock down in india. we all are working from our's houses. so the communication regarding the plannings and features to be developed are not so good. so once we back in the office then we will be able to continue on the groundhogg. i hope you understand. #staysafe.
    Hi, can there be any update on this. I understand the lockdown as I am in the same boat currently but this integration is becoming more and more important for me because of the lockdown. I am not able to automate our follow ups with students based on the courses they have completed with us and their other purchase history. Can this be taken up on priority please. I may have to start porting away from wplms only because of this which will be sad both because I like wplms and you guys have been very supportive overall. But there is too much pressure on me because it has been a long wait. I really need help on this asap
    we totally understand your situation. but we have bounded with the time issue! we don't have time for development as we are totally busy with the support and theme update.
    If I am understanding you correctly, you are we saying this is not going to be possible anytime soon?  
    not now. but may be after lock down.
    I think I have found a way to add tags to Groundhogg based on completion of a course in WPLMS. Here are the two links that I think contains the answer. Groundhogg Adding Tag on an action: WPLMS Hook after completing a course: I understand That I can use something like this: add_action( 'wplms_submit_course', 'add_a_tag_when_complete_course', 10, 2 ); function add_a_tag_when_complete_course( $course_id, $user_id ) {
    $tags_to_add = [ 'Course1Complete', 'Course2Prospect' ]; // You can use any combination of text or tag Ids
    // There are several ways to retrieve a contact record at this point, choose the most relevant one.
    // Option A: Use the tracking cookie.
    $contact = \Groundhogg\Plugin::$instance->tracking->get_current_contact();
    if ( ! $contact ){
    $contact->apply_tag( $tags_to_add );
    // Option B: Create a new contact record, or retrieve data from passed variables
    $email = $user_id->email;
    $first_name = $user_id->first_name;
    $contact = new \Groundhogg\Contact( [   // This will retrieve any existing contact with the given email,
        'first_name' => $first_name,        // If none exists a new record will be created.
        'email' => $email
    ] );
    $contact->apply_tag( $tags_to_add );
    I am sure there is something missing in the above code as I haven't mentioned the course name or id for which I would like to add the tag. For now would it be possible for someone to look at this code and help me with the changes required. What I am looking for is that when a user completes a particular course, lets say Course 1 (Course id - 1500), the tags "Course1Complete" and "Course2Prospect" is added to the user
    no dear not so easy we have to implement many checks in this for course completion. and we also have to implement the api call for groundhogg. this is not the way to implement the code.
    Any updates on this or if any one can even guide me with the sample code that I can use. I need to run a code when a particular course is marked complete.
    Any suggestions, any sample code that you can share with me, it would be really helpful, what hooks in wplms can be used to know when a user completes a particular course?
    This looks correct. Sharing the updated code here.
    Thank you for doing the research. This is what I expect the code to be : (untested) If the above works then you've done the part of the research for Groundhogg and we'll be able to update the plugin really soon.
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