How to update to 2.0?

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  • #20054
    Hi,   Please can you tell me how to update to 2.0?  I thought I had it set to update automatically, but it hasn't done it. Thanks in  advance :-)
    i am using modern theme , plugins are updated but not the theme, how to update theme? and do i need to update both modern and default theme? can anyone help.
    Same problem here
    The theme is not approved in themeforest yet. The developer has submitted it but there's a time of 1-2 days needed by themeforest staff to approve it and be downloadable at their site
    @quanto , Thanks for the info - took me an hour to download the package from Themeforest just to discover it is still the version :)
    What a complete mess. My site said plugins where ready for update so it updated plugins not to 2.0 but updating them now the entire site is messed up. Probably because there is s lag between theme code and plugin code. What I do not get on this page they post that the update is here and be sure to update all plugins. Then do not link to where to find theme or plugin files or any instructions at all for how to make the update. Sad indeed..! QC you guys QC..!
    Same here front page is messed up and none of the drop down button is working. Please someone look in to this Thanks, Dani Can someone explain how to update this ?
    as Mr. vibe mentioned we have to update theme as well and it was not approved by themeforest but he said download again it approved now but still not working, its the same, any comments?? here is the link as mr vibe answered
    It would seem to be commonsense if this is the case then either have the files for download here in the MEMBERS ONLY support area or do not post this information until after Themeforst has made such update. By the way all I did was see some updates come in for the plugins in WP Admin pushed update and site was totally messed up. I am in the process of having my datacenter restore my site because its so messed up now. I'm sorry but this kind of thinking and then leave everyone hanging is not acceptable there those of us out here that are running marketing campaigns etc trying to grow their sites. I am sure their are those that already have very mature sites. I hate to sound like I an ass. But you cannot roll major this kind thing out and not have attention to detail and support for it afterwords during all business cross multiple time zones for at least a day or so after roll out. If you have 4 people on your team then after a major roll out IMO you should stagger your hours for at least a day or two to cover.
    Exactly, BAM - agree entirely There always seems to a complete disregard for the impact to "live" websites and the auto updating constantly gets out of sync. Would be great to get a changelog BEFORE updating any vibe stuff including the plugins. Perhaps more diligent testing on their side might help with woocommerce bugs, etc. ... the professional dev way?  
    To be honest, they've seemed pretty on the ball to me apart from this.   Got a problem?   Tell themeforest/the review thing over there. They seem ok to me though, stop with your crying.
    Willan - So its okay to advertise it huge at the top of their own site but not provide any download links? Its okay to get people to download huge files from Envato only to find its the wrong version? Not everyone operates with unlimited bandwidth. I follow many topics and issues - which myself and others in the topics never seem to get resolved - perhaps I should provide a list? I believe that there is a professional way and a wrong way to do development and launch new releases.      
    I know what you mean, I'm a bit pissed off too - but if I had limited bandwidth I would make sure I was downloading the right file.  I'm frustrated that they announced the release before the actual release, but such is life. Let's keep moving forward.
    My site is broken because of that!
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