Importing questions

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    I'd like to import over 4000 questions we have on file as CSV. I can import all the basic questions meta like wp_posts<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;">,</span> post_type<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;">,</span> post_title<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;">,</span> post_date<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;">,</span> post_content<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;">,</span> post_author<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;">,</span> post_status, vibe_question_type<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;">,</span> vibe_question_options, vibe_question_answer However, there is a problem with the multiple choice options; vibe_question_options The data should look like this; Google|Apple|Microsoft|eBay The custom field in the question editor, <strong style="line-height: 1.5;">vibe_question_options, is not displayed so I can't see if <strong style="line-height: 1.5;">Google|Apple|Microsoft|eBay has been imported. At the moment, I am faced with manually adding the multiple choice question options by copy-pasting 12,000 times. The default import does not work (at all) but even if it did I would prefer to use All Import Pro if possible as the structure of the spreadsheet I would need to populate is a nightmare (see import instructions/example sheets - not one question one row as it should be) Thanks a lot    
    Mattsan, I'm in total agreement with you that this spreadsheet structure is a nightmare.  I spent a ton of time (20+ hours) getting my data formatted how they designed it. Now that I've completed it the upload system is failing. Not pleased with this feature, no feedback when a file fails and even though it says 'upload complete' in green my file does not show up. I'll be following this thread.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes this is an issue in wplms as of now .It is related to encoding of special symbols . Adding issue to issue log .It will be fixed in the next update of vibe customtypes plugin . track :
    Thank you Drew for joining this discussion and Alex for answering. Drew is right about the feedback after the upload - it says "upload complete" regardless of whether the upload was successful. I followed all import instructions, the import system does not work. WPLMS is kind of useless without a functioning system for importing data (questions, quizzes) in bulk, no one builds courses by hand. Is there any way we could get an estimate of when there will be a fix?
    Anshuman Sahu
    hi @mattsan , I tried to import the question which do not have any content or option in any  language other than English only and found it to be working fine . please check : The issue arises when you use some special symbols or your csv editor elements like superscript and subscript etc or other languages like Hebrew ,Korean,Mandrin etc . system does not imports that field at all which contain special characters which we have to fix but this is working with the normal language importfile .
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      I replied privately with the detail to @Alex, tried the latest update (2.2) and it's not working.  I am in agreement with @Mattsan that not being able to import in bulk is crippling. I do understand it's only for special characters and other languages.  However, this is a severe limitation for this theme to reach a much larger potential customer base. It appears as of the original request for this feature was made in January.  I do understand there are priorities and this is not the same as someone having their site down or some major bug affecting the current user base. This amount of time to be in the system seems to me like it's never going to make it to the top of the priority list.  I do hope I'm wrong, I like a lot of things about this theme and am not trying to bash it.  Would be great if this is something that can get done in the near future. @Alex, looking forward to your time estimates to share with us. Thank you, Drew
    Anshuman Sahu
    We tried to fix this issue but when I checked it again i found it to be working fine with the Japanese language . check video : But the csv file that you sent was not imported at all .It did not created any question in my test setup also . I expoted a csv file from my test setup and then edit it to put Japanese option in it .When i imported this it worked absolutely fine . check video above . I am attaching a csv file for your .Please try importing this one in your setup .
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    Anshuman Sahu
    I did that coz I suspect that there has been something wrong with the csv file formatting that you created initially . Coz when i try to import yours it did not work . But when I exported a file from my setup and made changes in it(pasted data from your csv file ) it worked perfectly fine .So I would recommend you to do that same trick that I did to export a csv file form your setup and then copy all the data from csv file that you created and paste it in the exported csv file.Then try importing this exported csv file again with all data  . PS: please first try importing 10-15 question for test . Let me know if that helps.
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Well it would be right if you have testes the import functionality first before creating a long import file . Importing many question error . Please note that each csv file that you import runs many insert queries on the mysql database for each cell basically . So it is the msql server which is pushed to its limits and when it cannot server retrurns error and that can be happen with a 1 Mb or 2 Mb csv file . so you need to make sure the mysql server is strong . php memory limit is atleast 256 MB (in case of import). and max execution time limit atleast 240 secs . Contact you webhost on this . For the error "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" that came because the import did not heppened correctly . On my test setup i was able to import the question from your csv file .Check video above . So there must be again something wrong with the csv file again here which you need to check . I know this is a lot of hassle but some of the users were able to import the date in wplms succesfully before you. I would recommend to test some question first on a test site ,and then create a sample files of 100 questions to import.First test it on test site and then on the main one .
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    Anshuman Sahu
    You observation is correct .We are detecting "," in the csv file for the user marks and then we are making it an array . This is an issue in import/export feature of wplms in case of quizzes . We will modify the code to support the "," but then you need to write the string which has comma in it as : ' this is a sentence with t,i,a,s '   in the csv file . So question option will look like :  ' this is a sentence with t,i,a,s ' | America | Russia Thanks for pointing out this issue to us . track :
    Alex, Thanks for your response - can I make a suggestion to the code modification? It's going to be a royal pain to figure out how to only get the answers with commas in them and then to add the " ' " to them.  Is it possible that you guys either change the code to automatically do that for us doing the imports, or, make it so we can simply encapsulate the whole answer in the " ' " tag? Please, please, please implement a simpler way to do this than have us find the answers with a ',' in them and then add " ' " around them - I might be on the higher end of the number of questions and answers but creating that extra work is a huge burden. Also, can you add me to the Trello ticket so I can get updates on it too?  Making this change to our question set is going to take a least a week, if not more, so I'd like to see when the next code release might happen and make a decision if I wait for you guys or go to work on changing what we have to adjust to work on your system as is. Is there a scheduled release of an update this might be included in?  It would be great if there was one soon that this might get fixed in... Thank you for your help Alex.    
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