Adaptive Learning: Create Effective Courses For Your Learners

Do you want to customize your courses to make it effective for learners?

Adaptive learning lets you customize your courses for individual learning needs using off-the-shelf technology. 

In this post, we will learn about adaptive learning and how you can add it to your online courses.

What Is Adaptive Learning?

Adaptive learning in your online courses utilizes technology and data to provide customized learning courses to the learners. It intelligently adapts the learning needs of the learners and provides an immersive learning experience to the learners.

Adaptive learning comes in many varieties, from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to simple pre-assessment algorithms that help in delivering your courses, adjust course contents and learning sequences of your courses.

Ways To Add Adaptive Learning In Your Courses

There are a variety of ways you can choose to deliver your online training courses by applying adaptive learning. To make your online training adaptive to individual learning needs you have to be a little technological expert.

Add Actionable Content To Your Courses

The course designers can put insight into the learner’s data and can design the courses using extra content for the learners. This will allow you to create a topic of interest for them. Learners who are interested in learning something extra or need for additional explanations can get it easily.

You can use Sidebars, Tool Tips, and More buttons to add extra content in courses as this will not force every learner to view everything. Clicking the button adds more content to the course which may consist of a sequence of images or text while the learners who already know the concept can skip it.

Implement Adaptive Assessments

The adaptive assessment helps you in analyzing the difficulty level of the courses for the learners. This will help you in knowing what you need to adapt to your courses for your learners.

Select the appropriate type of technique accordingly so that the learners are going to like what they like. 

Provider Courses According To Learners Need 

To provide your courses according to the needs of the learner can be firstly determined by the learner’s job role. You can either query the Learning Management System to obtain such information or by asking the learner questions about their roles and responsibilities. 

Based on their answers to the questions and roles, you can easily determine the knowledge and their roles. This will help you in providing them a custom course for their learning.

Adaptive Learning To Engage Your Learners

Adaptive learning is very much effective in delivering courses that learners need. Try to engage your learners with your courses and place them in a real-life situation so that they can make a decision based on their learning. 

As learner progress and while making a decision with your online courses then it will be easier for you to engage them. In this way, learners absorb information and stick with your courses. 

Adaptive Small And Open-Ended Courses 

Adaptive learning allows you to deliver small courses that are well organized on various topics. This adaptive small course helps the learners in filling specific knowledge gaps and gives freedom to control their learning. 

Small and open-ended courses are more willing to engage your learners in your online courses. It gives freedom to the learners and brings joy in their learning.

Include Chatbots To Fulfill Learning Gaps

Chatbots can create an experience similar to one-on-one teaching. In interactive learning, a chatbot acts as a Virtual Teaching Assistant and provides course-related delivering content, such as links, images, videos, etc.

Chatbots are a way to provide instant help to learners while learning. With the help of chatbots, you can easily tailor that learner’s need and it immediately provides the stuff without wasting a second.


In my opinion, Adaptive learning can be an effective way to bring individualized learning and engage learners in a self-paced online learning environment. You have to hire specialized technical expertise and it will require you to spend more time developing the content.

If you are finding the right mix for your educational business, then WPLMS is a good choice for you. It will help you in providing learners with freedom while learning. WPLMS provides all the values that learners want and need and deeper learning that brings value to your online courses.

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