Innovative eLearning With Gamification In Your LMS

Do you want to engage learners through innovative eLearning courses?

Gamification in your eLearning courses is a fresh and bold way to engage learners.

Gamification in your LMS helps you in keeping pace with the latest trends in education and delivers the best experiences for the learners.

In this article, we will learn how gamification in your LMS makes innovative eLearning and engaging for learners.

Gamification In Learning Management System

Gamification is the application of games and gamification elements in your eLearning courses. Gamification elements and techniques are being used in eLearning by educators across the globe for years. Today’s learners are more adapted to the eLearning courses and want to learn through fun and play. Therefore, many course creators started using gamified LMS for delivering game-based eLearning and its elements to make the innovative eLearning more efficient and engaging for the learners.

How Gamification Makes Innovative eLearning

Today’s learners spent more time playing games rather than learning so we thought to bring their passion into their learning. With the use of gamified LMS, you can easily add various interactivity and gamification to your eLearning courses.  

If you’re an online trainer or course developer and want to add gamification into your eLearning training courses without searching for the proper gamification applications then use our integrated WPLMS learning management system to apply various approaches of gamification in your courses.

Let’s see some of the features of gamification LMS that it provides for your eLearning courses.  

Motivate Learners To Perform More

Instant learning progress and feedback motivates learners to perform more. Including various gamification elements like- levels, badges, leaderboards, etc. encourage learners to reach the next level by completing all the levels and gaining badges. The result of their performance is visible right away on the leaderboard which motivates them to learn more and perform better. When compared to other learning techniques, gamification based learning motivates learners even more.

Delivers Personalized Courses

Providing customized courses for your learners is still a dream of many learners. A gamification rich LMS allows you to fulfill one’s personal needs in their training courses. You can add special characters, names, and add various interactive features to make your courses into theme-based learning. This will help you in engaging the learners and will turn them into a loyal customer.

Deeper Levels Of Engagement

Are your courses often left incomplete by the learners? One reason could be that your courses are unable to engage the learners. Adding various games-based learning interactives and their elements can increase the engagement rate of the learners. With a gamification LMS, you can easily draw gamification courses to make your training courses more entertaining. The game mechanics are built-in to virtually every aspect of training to provide a deeper level of engagement to the learners.

Socialize Learning For The Learners

A gamification LMS offers more to make it innovative eLearning for the learners. When learners learn in teams and communicate with their friends and fellow students while learning then it helps them in building social interaction skills and team spirit, and strengthen their social connections. Thus, apart from engaging your learners, their proper integration can provide social learning concepts to the learners.


Today, gamification based courses are attracting the attention of the learners and offer high engagement rates. Gamification LMSs are being used to deliver courses/training for all age groups of learners and can be customized according to end-user needs. What are you waiting for? Start creating innovative eLearning with WPLMS today!!

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