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  • in reply to: changing width of unit/course page #15221
    Oh man, I don't like giving away code to people that don't fully understand it (especially if I haven't tested it thoroughly) as it can cause more harm than good. So I'd strongly recommend you to get some professional help. I do offer such services should you (or anyone else) need, or you could always look for those freelancers websites that do small changes for as little as $10. With that being said: If you're feeling adventurous / want to learn more: 1 - Read about child themes and why you should always use one for your custom work 2 - Create a child theme 3 - Copy the file 'start.php' over to your newly created child theme. 4 - Open the file and change 'class="container"' to 'class="container-fluid"' Ps: If you attempt this on a live website (which you really shouldn't) ALWAYS backup your files first Merry Christmas and Good luck
    in reply to: Modern theme header background #14479
    It's possible but you'd need to code it in your template. I think the background image is coming from the 'title-area.php' Depending on which page you're trying to achieve that, you might also be able to use visual composer/page builder with the 'No title' template as a workaround. Hope that helps you
    in reply to: add star rating and comments to courses #14478
    You are looking in the wrong place guys. Try the following: Subscribe to a course >> Start the course In the unit page, right below the timeline you should see some buttons: Back to Course, Review Course and Finish Course. Just click on review course and voilá.
    in reply to: changing width of unit/course page #14477
    Are you using a child theme? If so I think your best shot would be making the container fluid, that way you'd increase the width whilst still maintaining responsiveness. Let me know if you don't know how to do that
    in reply to: Change welcome menu #14476
    Just add the below code to your 'functions.php': add_filter('wplms_logged_in_top_menu','loggedin_login_panel'); function loggedin_login_panel($loggedin_menu) { unset($loggedin_menu['courses']); return $loggedin_menu; } Let me know if that works for you
    in reply to: How to display/allow more than one instructor for a class #13860
    I don't think that's natively supported by WPLMS, so you'd have to dig into the code. You can however make a multi author course, split the class in two, and assign one for each author. I personally thinks this is a far better approach for long term maintenance, so unless it's absolute necessary to have a multi author classes for your website I'd leave at that. Ps: You may wanna start in 'single-unit.php' and make your way up until you find the code that need to be changed. Good Luck
    in reply to: Disabling groups site-wide #13545
    Off the top of my head you just need to disable that in buddypress settings: Settings >> Buddypress >> Components >> User Groups You may have to manually delete/unpublish the page connected to it (members). That should do the trick. Let me know if that works for you
    in reply to: Modern theme Blog Post with side bar #13544
    Just delete the files 'blog.php' and 'single-post.php' from your modern theme folder. That should display the default blog and blog post page. Remember to backup your files first. Let me know if that works for you
    in reply to: Teacher description #13084
    Sim e sim. Eu não consigo te mandar uma mp por aqui, agora mesmo vou te mandar um email pelo formulário de contato do seu site. Depois dá uma olhada lá Abraço
    in reply to: Teacher description #12877
    @rakatayama I gonna go out on a limb here and assume you're a fellow brazilian, and if so...I'llwrite in portuguese. Você tem um conhecimento básico de filtros do wordpress? Eu tive que fazer algo parecido pra um cliente: Você tem que usar o filtro que o Alex mencionou para inserir qualquer conteúdo naquela parte especifica ou mesmo o "bp_after_profile_content" (dependendo da sua necessidade) para inserir, no seu caso, os cursos por professor e a descrição. Espero que tenha ficado mais claro
    in reply to: instructors courses #12246
    Sorry about the confusion, you're absolutely right. @Alex I can replicate this issue in my installation as well. I believe it has something to do with '$append='&instructor='.$user_id;' but couldn't figure out why.
    in reply to: instructors courses #12065
    It's my understanding that the first one is for courses you've created and the second one is for courses you're taking. Hope it helps
    in reply to: Redirect links teacher name #12058
    Bump for this @alex I added a conditional to only redirect instructors and a variable for 'instructing courses' slug, but I also need a fix for this. The code I'm using should it help anyone: add_filter('bp_core_get_user_domain','show_instructing_courses_on_instructor_profile',10,2); function show_instructing_courses_on_instructor_profile($link,$user_id){ if(user_can($user_id,'edit_posts')){ $instructing_courses=apply_filters('wplms_instructing_courses_endpoint','instructing-courses'); return get_author_posts_url($user_id).$instructing_courses; } return $link; }
    in reply to: [suggestion] improve the original English version #11487
    I second that!
    Thank you Mr. Vibe I really like the idea of using instructor's info as it wouldn't require any extra data input, however if this request is going to make to the theme I think a more general approach would be best. My placeholder suggestions based on currently available shortcodes: 1. [certificate_student_name] : Having a custom field (default certificate student name) under configurations of the vibe course module with the instructor's info as a fallback. 2. [certificate_course] : Current Course Name 3. [certificate_student_marks] : Certificate minimum passing percentage (eg: '70/100') 4. [certificate_student_date]: Today's date respecting wordpress' format configuration (eg: 'date(get_option('date_format'));') 5. [certificate_student_email]: [email protected] 6. [certificate_code]: XXX-XXX-XXX. 7. [course_completion_date]: Today's date respecting wordpress' format configuration (eg: 'date(get_option('date_format'));')  
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