Can I use the design of another child theme for front page?

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  • #18457
    Hi, I am using WPLMS Point Theme and I would prefer to use the look of One Course theme. Is it possible and how can it be done?   Xiaoxi
    Anshuman Sahu
    You may need to modify the templates of your points system child theme by referring the code of the one course theme . Points system is just same as the default theme with just different style home page and removed margin padding and  all backgrounds are in white. So ,you can switch to the one course theme if you want to . You can import the home pages of both of the demos by referring these tips  :
    Thanks for answering the question. How about if I want to use Modern theme but keep my current content. I noticed the style.css for Modern theme is empty.
    Follow up with a bit more question. I find the Point System single course layout is awkward on mobile phone, so I am thinking of using modern theme for it. Should I replace some files in the plugin folder or what? (e.g. I want to use only one column for course instead of 3)   I tried the both methods mentioned in the video. The first one I lose all the frontpage, and the second just no css for it.    
    Anshuman Sahu
    If you want the layout of the course status page of the one course then just copy the start.php file from one course child theme and replace the start.php file of the modern child theme with it .
    Thanks Alex. How about the single course layout? I replaced the wplms single-course.php course with modern single-course.php, then the course page is blank. cp ../wplms_modern/single-course.php  ../wplms/single-course.php (I kept a original copy so now I go back to the wplms default layout.) If I want to use the modern layout for all the course, unit, assignment and quiz. Should I just copy .php from modern theme to wplms?
    Anshuman Sahu
    That  would be not possible as of now but in the wplms version 2.0 we have provided five layouts and many other options for customizing the look of your site . Please refer : I would recommend you to wait for the wplms version 2.0  .It will be released most probably by this weekend .
    Thanks, Alex. For the Start Course or Take Course button on the course page, it would be great to have it at the top banner because mobilephone user will see the button immediately. In all those groups and course layout in 2.0, the button is on the right and will be seen on the mobile phone when user scroll to the bottom, which would be very annoying.
    Anshuman Sahu
    You can set the layout for that like modern theme in the default theme in wplms version 2.0 .
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