Courses Pre-Order

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  • #134051
    Hi there. I want to make a pre-sale of my course, so people CAN buy the course but they are not charged until the Course is available. (What WooCommerce Pre-Orders plugin does, basically) I imagined that the coming soon option was for that, but seems like it doesn't let people pre-purchase. Is there any way to do it with WPLMS? If not, does the theme integrates with WooCommerce Pre-Orders plugin? Thanks!
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, In wplms we only check if the woocommerce order is completed or not. If the order is completed then we give the access of the course connected with that product. So if the woocommerce pre-order plugin doesn't completes the order  then yes it will work fine with that plugin. You can set a course start date in wplms and the user can start after that particular date only.
    Did this pre-order option work for you? I'm interested in the same  
    Hello, You have to purchase this from woocommerce. we have no control over it. it works well with wplms as guided above by Mr Latiyan.
    Please create your own topic , if we need to check site we can ask you credentials. if i ask you credentials on someone's topic and if you share your credentials , they will get an email with your credentials. it is not good for security reason. Thanks
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