Hide "NO CURRICULUM FOUND !" message

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  • #131412
    Hi. I want to ask how can i hide "NO CURRICULUM FOUND !" message fir courses withouut curriculum. Also i want to hide number ov erolled students in Buddypress Course Widget?... i found a way to hide them in single course sidebar but they still visible on all other pages sidebar on Buddypress Course Widget?
    Hi, To Hide "NO CURRICULUM FOUND" Please Go to wp-admin -> LMS -> Settings -> Show curriculum below course description and disable this setting. See the below screenshot to hide visibility for a particular course or for all courses. https://prnt.sc/gv19u9 To Hide Number of Enrolled Students in Buddypress Course Widget. Add the below css in wp-admin -> Appearance -> customize -> custom css .block.courseitem .block_content .instructor_course+strong {  display: none;}                
    Thank you for your answer BUT: 1) That option in LMS -> Settings hide the curriculum from all courses... i want to hide it ONLY for courses without curriculum OR selected courses... May be the option that you show me in that screen shot is the option that i need but i DO NOT have such option in that menu LMS-> Settings->Course menu. I have only "Members" and "Course Training" options there. No "Curriculum "? 2) Also about the second my question... that code: .block.courseitem .block_content .instructor_course+strong { display: none;} Just do not work for that place. I was hide the fa icon with that code: .block.courseitem .block_content .fa-users {display:none !important;} but i do not know how to hide the number of user because they are not wrapped in css. See example page here: https://securityacademy.com/our-practical-courses/
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, If you are not seeing the curriculum option in the course menu then it means that you are showing the curriculum below the course description. For this to work you have to show the curriculum normally as the course menu then you can edit the curriculum tab and select the courses in which you want to show. ------------------ Try adding the below css in your appearance->customize->custom css: .block.courseitem .block_content strong:last-child,.block.courseitem .block_content>.clear {display:none;}
    So... I was deactivate "Show curriculum below course description" from LMS-> settings tab but still no curriculum option in "Course Menu" section. Now curriculum not show below course discription but also curriculum tab missing. I was activate the "Tab style course layout" from WPLMS->Course Manager and the curriculum tab appear but Empty... and still no curriculum option in "Course Menu" section? What else can be the reason for that missing section in "Course Menu"? About the provided .css for hiding the number of enrolled users... that not work also...
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, Can you please share the site url and the admin credentials with us to check this on your website. PS: Please mark your reply as private while sharing the credentials.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, I checked your website and disabled the show curriculum below course description setting and then it worked fine. I am able to see the curriculum tab in course page, refer: http://prntscr.com/gwd7nr Also in the lms-settings-> course menu , the curriculum is present refer: http://prntscr.com/gwd7w7
    Ok, great.. i do not cnow why it was no showing after I deactivate it from "Show curriculum below course description" from LMS-> settings, but may vbe some caches? Nevermind.. now is ok. And last thing.. do you have any other suggestion how can i hide number of enrolled students in Buddypress Course Widget /not on single course page but in other pages widget. I hide it from single course./ See here for example. https://securityacademy.com/our-practical-courses/
    Ok, great.. i do not cnow why it was no showing after I deactivate it from "Show curriculum below course description" from LMS-> settings, but may vbe some caches? Nevermind.. now is ok. And last thing.. do you have any other suggestion how can i hide number of enrolled students in Buddypress Course Widget /not on single course page but in other pages widget. I hide it from single course./ See here for example. https://securityacademy.com/our-practical-courses/
    @get_peace, Just checked your issue, to hide number of enrolled students refer : http://prntscr.com/gwh0v4 Please go to wp_admin -> Appearance -> customize -> custom css and paste the above given css as it will hide number of enrolled students. Make sure you'll clear your browser cache/ server cache.  
    Ok, thank you... you can  mark that theme as resolved :)
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