Quiz navigation

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  • #136580

    Hi There,

    We just want to disable/bypass all the in-course quiz notifications that appear like "You are about to start the quiz. Please click confirm to begin the quiz". We want to make it very simple for users. It will "ideally" be like Quiz#1 questions-->Unit(s)-->Click Next-->Quiz#2 questions-->click Next-->Quiz results(inside the main frame like unit or in the background, load next Unit/Quiz). Any tips/tricks, css changes or coding tips will be helpful because for many users these extra steps create confusion rather than being helpful. Please review and add it in your next release.

    Thank you
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, Sorry this is not possible to bypass the confirmation process.
    Hello Latiyan, Even the custom coding will not work? If yes, can you please tell which files needs to be updated and if you people can do it for us as a paid project o recommend any? We badly need it as a pre-requisite. Thank you.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, If you want to remove it manually then you can remove the confirm function in the course.js file of vibe course module plugin. And only leave the ajax part. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/f70hx7 But this is not the ideal way of doing this as you'll have to do it after every update.
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