Unable to complete Demo 1 one click installation

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    Unable to complete Demo 1 one click installation. I have reset Wordpress multiple times, I have tried in Chrome and IE, I have followed all the instruction. The installation bar just continues to go back and forth and does not complete. When I end the installation by reloading the page - many of the elements have come through and I can navigate around the course - but I never get the Finished status.  In addition, I loose the Install WPLMS from the dashboard - as I don't have the right permissions. Please can you help me with the install of demo 1?    
    You can take a look at my installation at: http://onestandardbox.com/wp-admin/ User name: Admin Password: VibeThemesSupport2016   Please help Thanks in advance   Mara
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for sharing the admin credentials, I checked your site and found out that the demo 1 is already installed correctly. The finished status will only appear if the student has finished the course and the instructor has evaluated the course. I checked this also and it works fine. Please check and confirm.
    Thank you for taking a look at my site. Couple of questions: - Should I see "Install WPLMS" in the dashboard any more? Or does this disappear now that the demo is installed? - I never got the finished status - I just simply gave up after a period of waiting and refreshed the page.  In the YouTube video, you got a finished status. But as long as the elements are all there - I guess it does not matter. Thanks again for taking a look. From what I have seen so far, I am really excited about the potential of using WPLMS with my community.    
    H.K. Latiyan
    Once the demo is installed in your website, you should not see "install wplms" in dashboard it means that the theme is installed. When I checked your site I saw all the necessary pages were set properly and the necessary settings were saved properly. So you can use the wplms freely now. Let me know if you face any further issue.  
    i wanted to install demo 2 but i could not do that because my demo isntallatoin page is no more exist. Can you please assist to install demo 2 into my pages.   my username sivab75 password jfg46995
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please simply refer this tutorial : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/one-click-setup-wplms-demo1/ Plugin download link is provided in tutorial .
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