Why you need to know about Card Based Learning.

Ever heard about micro learning? How is it beneficial and why you should use it in your lessons?

Micro-learning is the latest trend in online education. The basic concept is that you create your learning content in the smallest possible way. Instead of a long boring essay or video based sessions, you create a series of learning nuggets.

What is a learning nugget?

A learning nugget is an essential part of subscription learning, It can be defined in various points for eg: a video snippet, pop up quiz, short animation and more.

Learning cards are small bite sized tool for learning online. It is a smart, easy to grab and quick in access for the users. You as a user get a track of nabbing the cores of a subject through one liners into the card.

Some of existing eLearning Apps pioneering this concept are :


One of the most popular apps for learning languages. You can see how it uses Learning Cards into creating a beautiful learning experience. Each of the card is a question which uses images and audio effects to teach its user.

On each wrong answer, you lose a life out of 5 which get replenished after sometime, so once all your lives are consumed you can go back but can not proceed forward. While on making correct responses you get badges and proceed further in the learning process.

Gamification is an important part of card based e-learning, it greatly enhances the user experience and improves user engagement.

Google primer

The second example is that of Google primer app which teaches subjects instead of languages. It uses a series of informational Learning cards and then small questions at the end to keep users engaged through out the chapter. Once again it uses Gamification and rewards users with badges throughout the app.

How is card based learning a trick of excellence?

Here are few of the points that clearly defines the uniqueness of this e-learning technique. Let’s have a look.

User engagement and Gamification

Card based learning attempts to create a fun learning process where the user can quit and join the learning process anytime in between. The user gets engaged through gamification options like badges or points.

Learners attention goes high

Being a quick source of learning, statistics prove that card based learning has won a learners mind with a 20 percent rise in the individual subjects.

Best and easy asset for learning

Each and every card is placed with a slide show, where the entire course would get wrapped up in few steps of cards in a row.

Reusability & Cost effective

This is one of the most important point while an instructor is preparing for a card based course. Creating one would be quite affordable.

Mobile Friendly

As this concept is way mobile friendly which makes it easy for the instructors to put up their course teaching.

Card based learning applications are an ace, why?

Micro learning has conquered all the learning pitfalls hence leaving us believe in small training pieces through card based education where animations, visuals and texts make an entire learning experience more exciting and best amongst the rest. Every concept has speed and accuracy with the ideation, which makes it more effective for the learner.

Students get to choose from various layouts through this card based learning where gamification also plays an incredible role to make a maximum amount of understanding for the students.

Its specially designed for mobiles

Microlearning is displayed in mobile phones and it clearly gives a green flag to the mobile users making m-learning as well as microlearning appropriate.

Micro-learning is increasingly gaining momentum and from corporates to startups.

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